Monday, May 23, 2011


in the midst of a manic, monday meltdown (like that alliteration?...), i learned about this project at my writing camp this morning...

750words is a website where you are challenged to write 750 words (or more) each day.  it can be about anything, it is private, and you can even gain "points" and play challenges/games with your fellow colleagues to see who can get as many points as possible... nerdy? maybe.  cool? definitely.

as i was sitting there exploring the site and, of course, listening to the lady speaking at the camp, i discovered the man who developed this project - buster benson.  this "buster benson" fella is pretty awesome... after looking at some of his other projects, i could see myself spending hours reading and exploring his sites..

so, just wanted to share this gleam of awesomeness in the midst of my monday meltdown...

monday meltdown




Tuesday, May 17, 2011

so far

1.) Write a proposal
2.) Clean the house - thoroughly clean the house (this includes, and is not limited to, cleaning out my clothes, cleaning and reorganizing the linen/hall closet, going through the stuff in the garage, and catching up on my filing and couponing)
3.) Get a haircut - scratch that - have a pamper Danielle day (massage and eyebrows by Jenni and hair cut and color by Aura and possibly a mani/pedi)
4.) me and the hubs time - this hasn't happened in I don't know how long - we'll hopefully catch up on Grey's and just chill out with cookouts in the backyard and play with our little dog child - Tank
This was the list I posted last Friday (the 13th) of the things I wanted to get accomplished in the 2 weeks vacation...
So far, I have not even put a dent in #1... started on #2, but not doing any of the things listed.... #3 will come on May 26th, so I can't really say anything about that one yet... And I would chalk up tonight and, hopefully, the rest of the week for #4... 

So, all in all, I've done pretty well :)  However, #1 is the main one I need to be working on... How does it always happen that way?

Anyways, this weekend I got some Stilwell strawberries from my mom, so I sliced some up this evening..

And they really are that red.. they're gorgeous... and yummy.

Well, got to get back to cleaning... Hopefully, since I'm on vacation and all, I can make a trip to the farmers market on a Wednesday morning for once...

Then, of course, work on that proposal...

Friday, May 13, 2011


Well, today at 4:30ish, my life as an intern at Chesapeake ended and my 2 weeks of "vacation" began...

However, I don't really consider it starting until Monday (if not later) because I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend and the beginning of next week...

But, nonetheless, it has started...

And at the end of the 2ish weeks, I will begin my full-time, grown-up, big girl, 40 hours/week job at Chesapeake...

Once again, I'm excited/sad/scared... I don't know how many more overload emotion episodes I can take...

In these 2 weeks, I hope to:
1.) Write a proposal
2.) Clean the house - thoroughly clean the house (this includes, and is not limited to, cleaning out my clothes, cleaning and reorganizing the linen/hall closet, going through the stuff in the garage, and catching up on my filing and couponing)
3.) Get a haircut - scratch that - have a pamper Danielle day (massage and eyebrows by Jenni and hair cut and color by Aura and possibly a mani/pedi)
4.) me and the hubs time - this hasn't happened in I don't know how long - we'll hopefully catch up on Grey's and just chill out with cookouts in the backyard and play with our little dog child - Tank

It seems like there's so many more things to do in these two weeks, but I'm sure this will keep me busy...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mixed emotions

Well, I just took my last final exam ever.  Like EVER...

I have been going to school for 20+ years.. that's more than two decades... crazy, huh?

I feel excited, happy, sad, weird... scared... emotion overload..

My real final exam awaits in late fall of this year... I'm sure I'll have the same rush of emotions, but greater...

"80% of the final exam will be based on the one lecture
you missed and the one book you didn’t read."

Monday, May 9, 2011

the many Cs of life

One of my professors always refers to his "Cs"...

His Cs refer to things dealing with school, assignments, and what not..

Mine, I'd like to think, are essential for a happy life...

Cs for the day... commitment, communication, and compromise.