Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"the list"

so i just revisited "the list" i made for myself of things i wanted to accomplish in my two weeks vacation..

well, i finished #1 -- whoo hoo!! but only a brief celebration because it was not nearly long enough (which i knew it wouldn't be -- still need some more literature to review...) and now the "fun" part begins.. data processing and analyzing.. and then, eventually, writing the dang thing... the thesis.

#2 - well, it's always a work-in-progress.. with going out of town every other weekend or so, i feel like i constantly have a Vera Bradley bag half-packed.. i'm almost caught up on laundry, and i love having all my laundry clean, except that i run into the problem of where to put it.. i'm sure you have the same problem.. at some point in time, not all of your laundry is necessarily clean, so there's always room for everything else, not the stuff in the dirty hamper... ugh. hence, i need to go through my clothes i don't wear and shouldn't wear anymore, now that i'm a married, professional 25yr old, blah blah blah...  i have, however, gotten the quilt and comforter cleaned!!! this is a HUGE accomplishment.. and i'm forcing the hubs to join me in weening the dog from getting on our bed.. because the next comforter i buy for our bed (which will be in the near future since the current comforter barely made it through the industrial wash this time) will hopefully be this one or one very similar... and if you don't know Tank, he is a black dog.. a long-haired black dog.. black dog + white comforter = gross. and not a happy Danielle... i did get caught up on my filing and couponing though!  well, except for this past sunday's :) but other than that, i'm pretty caught up in that department...

#3 came and gone too quickly... oh how i loved getting my hair done by Aura and my massage and eyebrows by Jenni... *sigh*

#4 has definitely been happening... when he isn't studying for school or was studying for the GRE... however, now that i work during the day and he goes to the library all day, we have the evenings together.. for the most part...  we just enjoyed a wonderful weekend together.. just the two of us.. **post of pics to follow later... maybe tomorrow**

but for now, i'm hittin' the sack :)

night night

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